About Us

WB-Internet have skills in all the major delivery technologies and don't believe in suffering accidents of history, in fact we specialise in finding new ways to provide bandwidth where others have failed.

WB-Internet is a comparatively young company but its partners have a long history in all areas of telecommunications, engineering, and service provision. In fact the board includes some industry guiding lights and the company is continually looking at new technology and working with both standards bodies and manufacturers alike.

Our portfolio of technologies comprises fibre-optic, unbundled copper (LLU), point-to-multipoint radio hubs and point-to-point radio links. Our approach is to select and use the most robust and appropriate technology we can and mix-and-match to find the best combination to satisfy demand and allow for expansion.

We can design, build and operate networks as well as offering consultancy advice regarding service provision and applications to clients and end-users.

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